Wearing a Watch, right or left hand

Wearing a Watch, right or left hand?

Wearing a Watch

How to wear a watch according to Islamic teaching?

In the name of Allah, peace and prayer of Allan be upon His messenger, amma ba’du,

Which is the more appropriate according to sunnah, to wear a watch on the right hand, or on the left hand?

Below is the answer provided by Dr. Sa’d al Khatslan – member of the Council of Grand Scholars of Saudi Arabia –

الذي يظهر أن الساعة كالخاتم فقد يلبس للتزين وقد يلبس للانتفاع به في أمور أخرى ، وقد صح عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه تختم في اليد اليمنى وفي اليد اليسرى ، وقد اختلف العلماء في التوفيق بينها

From what we inferred is that a watch is like ring, which is sometimes worn as adornment or because of certain benefit. And there is a sound hadith from the Prophet –peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- which says that sometimes the Prophet wore his ring on his right hand, and sometimes on the left. The scholars’ opinion in drawing a conclusion from the difference of this narration is divided.

وأحسن ماقيل في ذلك ماذكره الحافظ ابن حجر حيث قال : (ويظهر لي أن ذلك يختلف باختلاف القصد، فإن كان اللبس للتزين به فاليمين أفضل، وإن كان للتختم به فاليسار أولى لأنه كالمودع فيها، ويحصل تناوله منها باليمين وكذا وضعه فيها ( فتح الباري 10/327)

The best explanation is what provided by al Hafidz Ibn Hajar in “Fath al Bari”, in which he said,

“In my opinion, the different position of the ring was because of the different purpose in wearing it. If the purpose is to adorn oneself, then (to wear it on) the right hand is more superior, and if it is to be used as seal stamp, then the left hand is more superior than the right. Because seal stamp serves as the last part of a letter, and it might be taken with the right hand. (see: Fathul Bari, 10/328). ).

وعلى هذا فإن كان الغرض من لبس الساعة مجرد معرفة الوقت فالأفضل أن تكون في اليد اليسرى ، وإن كان المقصود التزين بلبسها- كما عند كثير من النساء- فالأفضل أن تكون في اليد اليمنى . والله أعلم

Therefore, if the purpose of wearing a watch is merely to know the time of prayer, then it should be worn on the left hand. And if the purpose is for adornment, as women wear in general – then the more appropriate one is to wear it on the right hand. And Allah knows best.

Reference: http://www.saad-alkthlan.com/text-821

Translated by ustadz Ammi Nur Baits

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