Whom do You Choose, A Professional or A Trustworthy Employee?
Whom do You Choose, A Professional or A Trustworthy Employee? There are two characters that determine the work ethic potency of an employee; professionalism and …
Whom do You Choose, A Professional or A Trustworthy Employee? There are two characters that determine the work ethic potency of an employee; professionalism and …
The Online Business and Potency of Shari’a Violation Indeed, the chance of starting an online business is equal to the potency of shari’a violation that …
Zakat to help His Uncle to Marry Question: m I allowed to pay my zakat obligation to my uncle, so that he can marry soon? …
Is it Compulsory to Pay the Zakat for A Piece of Land sold for business intention? Question: I have a piece of land located at …
Ruling for Giving a legal guarantee for capital in mudaraba contract Question: Is it allowed to require for capital security guarantee in mudaraba contract? Thus, …
Ruling for the penalty of vehicle tax Question: In the name of Allah. Honorable chaplains of Konsultasi Syariah whom Allah the Exalted have mercy upon, …