Ruling for Auctioning Confiscated Item
In the name of Allah, peace and prayer of Allah be upon His messenger, amma ba’du
السؤال: هل يجوز شراءُ السِّلعِ والحوائجِ التي تقوم المحكمةُ بحجزها ثمّ بيعِها بالمزاد العلني؟ وشكرًا.
Is it permitted to buy item that has been confiscated by government, to resell it through open auction system? Thank you.
Answered by Dr. Muhammad Ali Farkus
فإن كان ما تحجُزُه المحكمةُ من مُعدّاتِ المؤسّساتِ المُفْلِسَةِ المُثْقَلَةِ بالدُّيون قَصْدَ تسديدِ ديونِ الدائنينِ على الغارمين فالظاهرُ جوازُ شراءِ ما تُعدُّه للبيع بالمزاد العلنيِّ استبقاءً للحقوق وردًّا للمظالِمِ.
If the confiscated item is an asset of a bankrupt company, that went broke due to its debt, in order to pay its debt to the creditor, what seem to me is that it is allowed to buy that auctioned item, in order to return people’s right.
أمّا ما تحجُزُه الجماركُ من أموال الناسِ وسِلَعهم الذين لا يقتدرون على دفع الضرائب الجُمْرُكية المفروضة جبرًا، أو تلك السلع التي أباحها الشرعُ ومنعتها السلطاتُ بدعوى مصلحةِ البلاد والعبادِ فالظاهرُ أنه لا يجوز شراؤُها إلاّ إذا رضي أصحابُها أو دُفع لهم قيمة سلعتهم
As for public’s possession or wealth confiscated by customs authority, because the owner wasn’t able to pay the tax they were forcibly costed, or the item is allowed in shari’a, but was confiscated by the government for the public’s or country’s sake. What seems to me, it is not allowed to buy such item, unless the owner is willing (to let it go) or the item’s price is left up to them.
Allah knows best.
Algeria, 11 Jumadil Ula 1428 /28th of May, 2007 M