Among The Causes of Fortune

These days, more and more people whined upon their financial problem, particularly their income, whether due to it’s less in number or in baraka/grace. Together with other problems such as budgeting and regulating expenses, unfulfilled demands, and so forth. Hence, they find this income problem confusing, even stressing. As the result, some of them often take a shortcut, by doing all they can to achieve their desires, such as corrupting, stealing, pickpocketing, robbing, bribing, forging, even murdering and breaking their family ties, abandoning worships to Allah The Most Compassionate.

They forgot that Allah had explicitly revealed to His devoted servants, the causes of fortunes. He The Almighty also had promised vast fortunes to those who endures those causes, and guaranteed their success together with the unimaginable fortunes.

Among the causes that could help us to get vast fortunes are:

– Piety

Piety is one of the most important cause of fortune, and the cause of it’s increasing in number. Allah The Holy and Exalted declared, which means:

“And for those who fear Allah, He (ever) prepares a way out, and He provides them from (sources) he never could imagined.” (At Talaq, 2-3)

Every pious man, who endures Allah’s destiny In all conditions properly, will be rewarded toughness in this world and The Hereafter. And amongst plenty of rewards he got from the generosity of Allah, is the easy way out from every problems of his life, and unimaginable fortunes.

Al-Imam Ibn Katsir stated regarding the verses above, “Whoever pious in every commanded matters, and abandoned every of His prohibitions, Allah will open for him a way out of every problems he faces. And He The Almighty will bestow upon him fortune which he never imagined before, from a way that never crossed his mind.”

Allah The Holy and Exalted also declared that, (which means)

“If the people of the towns had but believed and feared Allah, We should indeed have opened out to them (all kinds of) blessings from heaven and earth; but they rejected (the truth) and We brought them to book for their misdeeds.” (Al Araf: 96)

– Repentance and asking for Allah’s mercy

Among the other causes of fortune is repentance and asking for Allah’s mercy, as what He The Almighty told about The Prophet Noah -peace be upon him-,

“Saying ‘Ask forgiveness from your Lord; for He is Off-forgiving; He will send rain to you in abundance; Give you increase in wealth and sons; and bestow on you gardens and bestow on you rivers (of flowing water).” (Noah: 10-12)

Al-Qurthubi commented regarding the verse, “In this verse, and in another one in 52th verse of Hud, there is a sign that asking for Allah forgiven and mercy is a cause of fortne and rains.”

There was a man who complained about drought on his land to Al-Hasan Al-Bashree, and he replied, “Ask forgiven to Allah.” Then another man came and complained about his destitute, again he replied, “Ask forgiven to Allah.” Again came the other one said, “Implore Allah so that He grants me child!” Then he answered, “Ask forgiven to Allah.” And again came another man who complained about his dry garden, and still he replied, “Ask forgiven to Allah.”

People asked him, “A lot of man came to you complaining their problems, but you tell them all to ask forgiven to Allah”. To that, he responded, “I advised them so not from my own thought. but indeed Allah The Holy and Exalted had declared that in the suurah of Noah/Nooh (as mentioned previously).”

Seeking or asking for forgiveness mentioned here means seeking for it by hearts and words, and stopping from every sinful things. Because the one seeks for forgiveness while he himself continue his misdeeds and his heart is still tend to the misdeeds, means he lied upon his forgiveness’ seeking. Likewise would not yield any benefits and advantages as wished.

Among The Causes of Fortune

– Self-reliance on Allah

Allah The Holy and Exalted decreed, which means

“And if anyone puts his trust in Allah, sufficient is (Allah) for him.” (At Talaq: 3)

The Prophet Shallallaahu ‘alayh wa Sallam said,

“If only you want to rely yourself on Allah with true reliance, He must bestow fortunes on you as He bestow the bird fortune, it went out of it’s nest in hungrily i in the morning, and came back home fully.” (Collected by Ahmad and At Tirmidhi, graded saheeh by Al-Albanee).

Self reliance on Allah is a form of showing weakness and full reliance and trust on him, and understand faithfully that He is The Only One who have ultimate power in this life. Every thing exists on earth, such as creatures, fortunes, gifts, calamity and benefits, destitute and riches, sickness and health, death dan lives, all of them are from Allah.

Thus the core meaning of self reliance is as what had been explained by Al-Imam Ibnu Rajab, that is a rely of heart truly on Allah The Exalted to seek fortune and to avoid dangers in every matters, worldly and beyond, hand all problems only to Him, and realizing a firm faith that no one could impose calamities amd benefits but Him.

– Maintaining Good Relationship with Blood Relations

There are lots of hadeeth that explained that maintaining good relationship with our blood relations is one of the opener of the door of fortunes. One of it is the hadeeth below,

“From the authority of Abu Huraira -may Allah be pleased with him-, he said, “I heard The Messenger of Allah Shallallaahu ‘alayhee wa Sallam said, “He who desires ample provisions and his life be prolonged, should maintain good ties with his blood relations.” (Collected by Bukharee)

And another one:

“From the authority of Abu Huraira- may Allah be pleased with him, that The Prophet Shallallaahu ‘alayhee wa Sallam said, “Recognize those who have blood relations with you, of whom you must maintain family ties with. Because the maintaining of family ties grows love in a family, increases wealth, and prolongs life.” (Collected by Ahmad, and graded saheeh by Al-Albanee)

The meaning of blood relations here (arham) is anyone who have blood relations to us, whether the relation is in the form of inheritance or not, or whether it is in the form of those who are illegal to marry or not.

– Charity in the Cause of Allah

Allah The Holy and Exalted decreed, which means,

“And nothing do ye spend in the least (in His cause) but He replaces it; for He is the Best of those Who grant Sustenance.” (Abraham/Ibrahim: 39)

Ibn Katsir explained regarding this verse, “Which means that anything you spend in the matters commanded to you, or in the matters allowed for you to spend in it, then He will replace it to you in this world and reward you with a big rewards in the Hereafter.”

And another verse of Him The Almighty, which means:

“O ye who believe! Give of the good things which ye have (honourably) earnedand of the fruits of the earth which We have produced for you, and do not even aim at getting anything which is bad in order, that out of it ye may give away something, when ye yourselves would not receive it except with closed eyes. And know that Allah is Free of all wants and Worthy of all praise. The Satan threatens you with poverty and bids you to conduct unseemly. Allah promiseth you His forgiveness and bounties and Allah careth for all and He knoweth all things.” (Al-Baqara/The Cow: 267-268)

In a hadeeth Qudsi, The Apostle of Allah Shallallaahu ‘alayh wa Sallam said, that Allah The Holy and Exalted had declared, “O sons of Adam! Spend (in His cause) and I will spend on you.” (Collected by Muslim)

– Following Pilgrimage by Minor Pilgrimage (Umra)

This point is based upon a hadeeth from The Prophet Shallallaahu ‘alayhe wa Sallam, from Ibn Mas’ud, -may Allah be pleased with Him, he said, that The Messenger of Allah Shallallaahu ‘alayhe wa Sallam said, which means:

“Follow the pilgrimage (Al-Hajj) by minor pilgrimage (Umra), since both of them will vanish destitute and sins just as a blacksmith who vanishes the rusts from iron, gold, or silver, and the good/perfect hajj (all hajj al-mabruur) have no rewards but the Heaven.” (Collected by Tirmidhi and Nasaai, graded sahih by Al-Albanee)

The meaning of that hadeeth is that, such rewards will be available for the one performs pilgrimage and he continues the pilgrimage by the minor one (Umra), and for the one performs the minor pilgrimage then he follows it by the pilgrimage itself.

– Perform Kindness to the Weak

The Prophet Shallallaahu ‘alayhe wa Sallam had revealed that Allah will bestow provisions and helps upon His servants, due to their kind deeds to the weak. The Prophet Shallallaahu ‘alayhe wa Sallam stated, which means:

“All of you wont be aided and given provisions but for the weak amongst you.” (Collected by Bukharee)

Dhu’afa (The weak) comprises many classes of people. such as the poor, orphan, destitute, sick, stranger, neglected women, slave, and many others.

– Wholeheartedly and Solemn In Worships

It was narrated from Abu Huraira -may Allah be pleased with him- , from The Prophet Shallallaahu ‘alayhe wa Sallam, he said, “Allah the Holy and Exalted decreed, which means,

“O sons of Adam! Be solemn of you in worshipping Me, I will fulfill your chest with sufficiency, and bear your destitute. If you do not perform such, I will fulfill your chest with bustles and let off of your destitute.”

Zealous in worshipping does not mean to spend the whole day and night sitting at the mosque without working, but it’s meaning is to perform prayers and worships heartily and physically, bow down and humble before Allah alone, fully conscious that he (the worshipper) is standing in the very front of The Ultimate Creator and his Master, faithfully believe that he is praying, and revealing himself to The One who Possess The Skies and The Earths.

And there are still many doors of fortunes to be left, such as migrating to land of Islam, jihad, be thankful and grateful to Allah, get married, Rely perfectly on Allah, abandoning misdeeds, be firm and straight in performing religion, and loyalty, which could not be pictured more detail in these very limited spaces. May Allah bestow upon us His guidance. Aameen.

Al Sofwa (Reference: Kutayb (Little book) “Al-Asbab Al-Jalibah lir Rizqi”, Al Qism Al Ilmi Darul Wathan).

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