Ruling regarding Women Using Medicine to Stop their Period on Ramadan
What is the ruling regarding a woman who used medicine to stop her period on Ramadan?
It is alright for woman to use some medicine that might stop her period temporarily, if it is not harmful for her, and by the permission of her husband. Of what I (Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen) know, such medicine is harmful for women because the menstrual blood is a kind of blood that expelled naturally. If it is prevented from gushing out in time, then it might be harmful for women’s body. Next, it is important to notice that such medicine causes their period to be irregular, thus creating confusion and doubt (about whether they are already clean or not, -ed) at the time of praying or having sexual intercourse with their husband.
Therefore, I do not say that it is unlawful, but I’m not suggesting it. The women should accept their fate that Allah has ordained for them. It is said that the Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- once met ‘Aisha -may Allah be pleased with her- who was crying at the time of the farewell hajj. At that time, ‘Aisha -may Allah be pleased with her- had already worn the ihram clothes. The Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- asked her,
“What’s wrong with you, ‘Aisha? Are you menstruating?”
‘Aisha -may Allah be pleased with her answered, ” Yes, O Messenger of Allah.”
The Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- advised her, “That is something that Allah has ordained for the women.”
Thus, the women should be patient and seek for Allah’s rewards when they must leave the prayer and the fast due to their period. Verily, the door of dhikr (remembrance) is open widely for them, they might recite the dhikr, tasbeeh, give charity, be kind to others with their saying and deeds, and these are the greatest deeds.
(Fatwa issued by Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Shalih al Uthaymeen, 1/304. Also refer to the fatwa from the Lajnah Daimah, 5/400).
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